Friday, March 18, 2016

Week Three with our Babes

A lot of people have been asking about Henry lately and how he is holding up these days. Well, we can't lie, weeks 1 & 2 were a bit rough. Week 3 we are starting to see him return to his old self. 

After a good day at day care we busted out the fishy game someone sent us. I think this can count as our first official game with him and he LOVED it!! Not the easiest game for his skill level but he enjoys it and Gabe has become a master fisherman. 

He insists on having the pond filled at all times : ) 

He has done A LOT of coloring lately and is really into making sure his artwork gets on the fridge.

More artwork...

With the weather warming up we fit in a little family park play date as well. 

A couple of monkeys for sure!

As far as his duties as a big brother... he has been getting after it! Miss Amanda sent me these this week. I'd say he is taking his duties very seriously : ) 

And what about our little Celie girl? Well, she is enjoying life to the fullest : ) Now that she has made weight momma isn't bugging her to wake up as much. She has been enjoying solid 4-6 hour sleeps at night and plenty of cat naps during the day. 

She is an extremely content little one but when she is hungry or dirty she lets out a little squawk to let us know! 

How daddy gets you to calm down - THE SLEEPER! A little different positioning that what he used on Henry. Henry could be face up but Celie prefers to be burrowed in face down : ) Don't worry Grandmas Gabe always check to make sure she has a solid air hole!

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