Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter {part II}

Easter day!

They found their baskets! 
*Poor Henry - his allergies finally caught up to his love for Annie Cat : (

Ended up having to take some Benadryl and finally zonked out.

Meanwhile, Celie was enjoying all the company.
Aunt Doe
She is definitely in good hands with my godson!

Last activity of the day - Easter Egg hunt!

Took a while but Liam finally grasped the concept of picking up his egg!

Obviously, Nolan had no trouble sniffing out his treats!

Ready to go for egg #2!

Perfect hiding place!

Wahoo, keep going Liam!

Pretty much found all their goods

Liam and Gabe still going strong : ) 

We make our own fun!

Quick visit with Aunt Leigh and Cassidy

All set for the drive home.

This picture doesn't even come close to doing it justice but it was a beautiful Easter evening and a breathtaking sunset as we drove home. 

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