Saturday, March 26, 2016

Easter in Wisconsin {Part I}

We made it to Wisconsin in time for supper which rarely ever happens and even more fun, we made it there in time to play in the quickly disappearing snow!

Last snowman of the season!

We also made it in time to feed some calves with Aunt Keilah.

Can't do our chores without a few kisses from the kitties.

We came out of the barn just as the 'cool' uncle was initiating a little snowball throwing...

Notice Liam's enthusiasm over his godfather's suggestion.

It all looks fun until - 

the youngest in the group gets nailed in the side of the head by an uncle who will remain nameless!

Quick to recover and look as cute as ever!

Lydia getting some snuggle time in! 

A beautiful evening to do a little porch sitting.

Saturday morning started out with Henry 'finding' Annie Cat!

He was much more excited about the reunion than Annie Cat was!

These two and their cats!

Grandpa and grandsons

They found their favorite toys!

Easter egg dying - some things never change

He has always had a knack for this activity!

Time for a visit over to Aunt Dee's. 
Celie looking uncharacteristically grumpy...

Much better : ) 
Talking to her namesake!

A new favorite photo!

We wrapped up the day doing more chores with Grandpa

and snuggles with Uncle Bill.

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