Friday, March 11, 2016

Week 2: Grandma Jane to the Rescue!

So thankful that Grandma Jane was here for a few days to help out. Especially because Gabe's first week back at work was starting out with 2 days of Henry home from daycare because of croup : (

So glad the weather was so wonderful so we weren't all cooped up inside!

Grandma Jane once again with her book, beer (empty this time) and baby : ) 

Flashback to Henry!

Speaking of Henry... This kid is all about getting his picture taken these days. He is definitely not going to let his little sister have all the fame and glory!

 And he melted my heart when he actually suggested a picture WITH Celie. She looks pretty tickled by it as well!

Another classic Celie face these days! As a newborn she is easily startled and boy do her eyes get BIG! 

Saying goodnight to Grandma!

Thanks for all your help Mom. I couldn't have made it through those first few days without you!

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