Thursday, March 17, 2016

Our little Irish Rose and Lad

Look at those Irish eyes a smilin'!

Because she is pretty much adorable no matter what she does!

And it is exhausting being so darn adorable ALL the time!

A few more because I am a bit obsessed : )  

Completely loving all her little Irish attire! 

She is far easier to take pictures of these days! Henry stood kind of still for two seconds so I could get them both in the same picture : ) 

Our little rascal has been testing our patience lately. This particular morning he finally decided he had to wear this hat -that on every other occasion he has absolutely refused! 

Thankfully Himself has a pretty good Irish crew to hang out with everyday at daycare so I know he is in good company!

I didn't get any Irish brown bread, or stew or colcannon made but we did enjoy an Oreo Mint blizzard : ) That counts, right? 

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