Saturday, March 5, 2016

Celie Delores

Well, we really can hardly believe it - we have a GIRL!

Miss Celie Delores made her entrance at 2:26pm on 2.26.16. Weighing in at 7lbs 1oz and measuring 20 inches long, she is beyond beautiful in every way!

A huge thanks to this lady here - midwife Bree - for being with us through it all. 

We were so excited to get her home on Saturday.

She has had a great first week and spoiling me with some great 3 hour sleep intervals throughout the night!

We absolutely adore her perfect little head of hair. Especially when she is fresh out of a bath it feathers out and she looks like a little birdie!

 Big brother Henry usually asks at one point throughout the day to hold her. It lasts about 5secs before he drops his hands and says he's done : )

He does however love including her in his play : ) 

She definitely has her daddy memorized! It is pretty amazing when she is awake her eyes really fixate on you and you swear she sees more than just a blob of black on white. 

The first of many yawn pictures I hope to capture!

And our first family photo thanks to Ona Wygle. Can't wait to see the other images she captured our first day with Celie!


  1. I have been stalking this blog and being patient because I know you have better things to do (like curl up with your hubby, baby, and wild boy) but I've been sick and I need a pick me up so I have been re-reading all the posts from the beginning. What a miracle life is. How blest are we to be family and how marvelous it is to share joy and love with one another. Congratulations and welcome to the world, Celie Delores!

  2. Do you remember the looks of pure excitement and terror on both of your faces bringing Henry home?! A bit of a difference, wouldn't you say?

  3. We've been waiting for this too. It is so fun for us to see these pictures. Thanks for sharing them. We think little Celie is a doll and of course Grandpa thinks that she likes him. (: Thanks for sharing and we will be back. Hidee Ho, Celie and Henry and Gabe and Mariah. Grandpa and Grandma Stauffer
