Saturday, February 1, 2014

Bradley Babies and Bowling

Bowling with the Bradley Babies

I am so excited to finally post pictures of our Bradley friends! 

*On our big journey into parenthood Gabe and I took a course on natural childbirth called the Bradley Method from Erin and Paul Simmer {Made to Birth}. It not only provided us with knowledge that helped shape our pregnancy & labor but also gave us some amazing new friendships.

                       Henry & I, Laura & Max, Becky & Jack, Erin (the fearless leader) & Maeven

And some of the husbands : ) 
Gabe & Henry, Joel & Max, Jason & Jack

One of the reasons we are able to do some much together is because we are all in the same boat with newborns. Jack is 2 months older than Henry & Max is 2 days younger.

We have already gotten together a few times with them but I have done a horrible job taking pictures. This last weekend we went bowling and then supper at our house. What a great night!!
* Best of luck keeping track of Henry. There was a lot of hand offs happening but that is the fun and how we seem to make our evenings work!

The boys finishing the last of their beers.

Two wonderful Momma's getting their babes ready for bed!

We really needed to get a pictures of the whole group but of course we got distracted and forgot. 
Wonder how that happened?! ; )  

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