Monday, January 27, 2014

4 Month Report Card

Growin' and a Gainin' 

At 4 months Henry is around 15lbs and 27inches!

Before we get to the monthly report card I thought I'd give you a little sneak peak as to why  ^that^ was the best shot I could get!

Round 1
#1 This is how I want to sit, Mom.
#2 This is just awkward. I don't even have clothes on....
#3 What's that, Dad, a little more to the left?
#4 How about like this, Mom. Just let me scoooch down a little more.
Round 2
#1 I don't know about this pose.
#2 Oooo, the fan!
#3 Gosh, I just love that fan!
#4 Like this, Dad?
#5 Alright Mom, this is just not going to work today.

Alright, so now for the things Henry has been doing well these days!

Still rocking out some huge smiles.

Sitting in a Bumbo has gotten a little better.  

 He can last about 5-10 minutes max at this point....Hence the- Mom, are you done yet? - face!

Wearing hats has been successful. Too bad it has taken this Momma 3 and a 1/2 months to actually buy the poor boy a hat! 

What has also been fun - Henry talk...errr more like squak...

He LOVES grabbing and pulling this thing down. If he can't get these toys in his mouth there are definitely not any smiles!

Another talking video with an exciting conclusion! 

And with that, lets talk about things he needs to work on....besides spitting up on Mom and Dad! : )

Keeping both socks on is becoming a bit of a challenge at times.

He has slowly become addicted to chewing only on this yellow ring! Heaven forbid we leave it at Amanda's! *Amanda is his daycare provider whom we absolutely love!

His patience with learning German has been a struggle...

And he has developed the habit of looking worried or confused every time he sees me bust out my camera!

Also, he has started giving us the stink-eye when we accidentally wake him up!

Lastly, no matter how much encouragement we give he can't seem to roll over! He did it three times in a row 2 weeks ago so we know it is possible but he just doesn't want to do it again for us!

Other fun things we got to do this month!

Skype with Uncle Vaughn, Aunt Keasha and cousin Neomi!!

And cheer on the Packers one last time.

I just love seeing how much this guy has grown!

Alright, that is all for now folks! Sorry it has been so long. I will try to get another one out before he reaches 5 months!!!


  1. Love the spit up video! Hahaha!

  2. My favorite picture is the "schooch down a little bit"...I frequently feel like that. Henry really gets me!
