Sunday, February 23, 2014

5 Months Old Report Card

5 month old and wearing my favorite outfit - a white onsie!

We seriously can't even believe how fast changes are coming these days!

What has Henry been doing well lately? 

He has been growing more and more interested in books. We are able to read at least 3 or 4 at a time now! Although, most of the time it appears he would rather eat them.... 

He has graduated to the front hold in my ring sling! No more tummy to tummy - this guy wants to see everything that is going on. Most evenings he rides along as I do laundry, pick up around the house, wash dishes and get supper started.... teaching him early ; )  

He is finally big enough to enjoy the jumperoo he got from his cousin Tess. He doesn't last very long at 5 months but I have a feeling we will have a hard time getting him out of it in a few short weeks. 

A really short and sweet video to show off his skills!

He continues to be quite the talker. Sometimes it sounds like he is singing and other times we get a sad, sleepy story with lots of hand gestures like this one!

What areas could Henry work on?

Drool factory! He has definitely started producing bubbles which is fun but the extra drool that constantly drips out of his month sure gets messy : ) 

There was one on the play mat and the mama said "ROLL OVER, ROLL OVER!"

It doesn't seem to matter what mama says, he will not roll over for the camera! Trust me I've tried : )
He always seems to be going side to side and is even strong enough to wrap himself up on this play mat like a burrito. 

He has mastered the late afternoon nap! Every day when I pick him up at 4:30 he falls asleep in the car. I snap his car seat into the stroller down stairs and away he snoozes for 30-45 minutes. 
Why is this something to work on you ask....? 

Because this is the look we get if he is even slightly disturbed. If Gabe gets home early and is a little too noisy coming through the door Henry will give him an evil eye and then dramatically shut his eyes and continue on with his nap. I usually claim his eyes but I'm starting to rethink that... : ) 

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