Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Wonderful Winter Weekend in Wisconsin

Two weeks ago we got to spend the weekend in Wisconsin and enjoyed lots of quality time with my family. 

Friday night started out with a sleep over at Aunt Doe and Uncle Scott's. The best part was simply getting to spend time with these wonderful people. Thanks for letting us crash the sister slumber party!

Henry already has Aunt Doe wrapped around his finger ; ) 
Now only if he could convince her to move to Iowa.... 

Not so impressed with Pinocchio... maybe if he could chew on it a bit he would change his mind!

{Uncle Tim & Aunt Kathy}

 {Aunt Alice}

{Aunt Tish}

Later that evening...While this good looking couple were out enjoying the night. Gabe and I went on Aunt and Uncle duty - a duty in which we thoroughly enjoy!

 So Bill and Jessica, ever wonder what we ended up doing that night?
Just Kidding! That was what Grandma Jane was doing : ) 

Alright, so no surprise here! Lydia holding Henry every chance she got. 

 Number one priority of the night - Operation give Henry a bath!

Good thing we had two outstanding helpers!

Lydia truly did ALL the work!

Once we got Henry to sleep it was time for a rowdy game of Garbage.

Next up, time to make some sweet Valentines <3

Pudding Break!

 Second Operation of the night - Feed the Crazy Cat! Proof Aunt Keilah - we did not neglect our duties even though we were all terrified!

 Last up, bed time stories.
Thanks for a great night Lydia and Nolan! All that was missing was Haley!!

Sunday we fit in more quality time with the Walsh crew. Oh Shaylea....Wasn't it just yesterday that I held you on my lap!!

That's right Aunt Keilah hold him tight the Great Aunts are coming in for the steal!

 Finally, Miss Lydia's turn. She must have talked with him the night before to plan out their strips : )

 Getting one last order in - hoping they don't close before Gabe gets his food!

 Checking in to Star Wars together

Time to eat! Thanks Aunt Leigh and Uncle Scott for organizing such a fantastic spread!

Henry gets in on the table talk.

Now with Aunt Tish home there has to be a siblings picture in front of the fire place as always. 

This one is a new favorite. All laughing- how typical!

Oh, and I LOVE this one too! Bunny ears are a little high this round, Uncle Tom : )

Definitely siblings! They even all smile the same way too.

What a wonderful weekend! It was so great seeing everyone and getting to spend so much time together. Miss and Love you all!

**Next up.... Henry is 5 months old!!!

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