Monday, December 23, 2013

3 Month Report Card

Look, Mom & Dad! At 3 months old I'm 24 inches long and weigh a solid 13lbs!

What has Henry been doing well these days?

He holds his head up more and more.

 Loves sleeping on his stomach for naps!

He has also been doing great playing with his friends Max and Jack!

Although, I can see them all running into some problems as they vie for Maeven's attention in the near future!

Another important skill mastered = the selfie!

The best yet - his squeaky babbling!

 What could he improve on during month 4?

Not making cute smiley faces and laughing in his sleep - sure makes it hard to set him down!

He isn't super interested in playing with his toys just yet. We keep working on his gripping skills...some day soon!  Again, he is quite the babbler which makes for some mid-talking pictures : )

All in all it has been a wonderful month! I have gone back to work to a job that I love, Gabe got a few weeks off and Henry has continued to be a happy, healthy baby boy! 

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