Sunday, January 5, 2014

First Christmas {Wisconsin}

5 Days of Christmas in Wisconsin = One REALLY LONG blog post! 

On the Road...
Henry was such a good boy for the 4 hour drive to the Mullenburg's that we decided to stop for supper at our favorite little spot along the way - Doc's Blue Moose

Alright, now time for another Annual at the Mullenburg's! 

Sadly, I only took one picture that night and of course it was of Sarah holding Henry. He didn't get to stay up much after this but I think he was thoroughly content in the guest bedroom with his sound machines and lullaby light show. Thanks, Sarah for making it possible for Henry to stay the night!

It was a smaller crew than years before but many laughs were still had, especially during a rousing game of Celebrities! The Stauffers are looking shorter than usual...hmmm.... I guess we didn't need to kneel for this one : )  *picture courtesy of Mike Mullenburg

2 Years ago at the peak of our availability before too many babies and Culvers openings and lots more alcohol consumption!  

The next morning...

Jessalyn got some snuggles in. 

Sweet Anna is home and checking out who has invaded her space!

Anna and Izzy quickly warmed up once they saw how easy it was to get big smiles out of our little boy. 

  Of course they needed to hold baby Henry too!

Henry looking like he is in heaven with all these pretty ladies.

While in Tomah we had to give Henry his first visit to Aunt Doe's as well.

We made it to the farm just in time for Henry to give these two gals some BIG laughs! Who knew making a poopy diaper could be so funny! I wish I would have recorded their laughs!!!

 Good thing they were still willing to help me clean him up! 

 All cleaned up and ready for some snuggles with Aunt Keilah.

Always a hit with the ladies!

Haley and Lydia helping Henry with his gripping skills!

 I am happy to report that this little extra practice must have been the trick! Our little boy was grabbing and shaking his toys on the way home. #whatexcitesnewparents

OKAY! I know there isn't a lot of action but seriously it was his first time grabbing his toys all on his own! I heard rattling in the back seat and had to quickly crawl in back just to document the momentous occasion!!

 Anyway, back to Christmas at the Powers'

Christmas Eve was spent at the Walsh's eating delicious soups, drinking delicious wines with lots of love and laughter!

Of course, Uncle John got some huge giggles out of Henry...or did Henry get some huge giggles out of Uncle John...?

Christmas morning 
The Powers Christmas tree in all its glory this year!

Angel problems...

 Christmas morning breakfast with Grandma Jane and Grandpa Steve.

All ready for church

Meeting Father Valentine 

Look what Father brought to help Farmer Steve get ready for the big trip to India!

 Time with Aunt Jessica

Snuggles with cousin Lydia

Always the center of least for now : )

 I truly don't know if Henry was ever set down

Aunt Doe opening her gift from Pat. She could hardly believe it!

 Her Italian Pinocchio puppet! 

As is tradition the Powers clan invaded later in the afternoon for dessert and games.

Annual game of Celebrities....
While many partners gave a valiant effort, some duos like Jane (family historian) & Riley (the young one who has a lot to learn) did struggle at times.

Aunt Jane: The first name is the same as your great grandfather.
Riley: Uhhhhhh....
Aunt Jane: Your paternal great grandfather!
Riley: Uhhhh....

And who can forget "Happy Trees"... Apparently, Gabe can!

In the end Tricia and Meaghann were victorious ... not all were thrilled : ) 

Then there was Christmas Trivia time with Lydia. 

 Grandma Jane and Aunt Doe triumph! 

Of course, Dad had to give one more quick show to see what his dear nieces and nephews think of his new gear.

Finally, a few more of Henry with beautiful women pictures.

Our last day in Wisconsin involved fewer people but was just as wonderful. 

These three didn't take their eyes off of our little guy. 

And everyone was interested in what Uncle Gabe was up to dressed as a snowman...well not everyone : ( Sorry, Keilah.

 Lydia and Nolan trying to see if they can find Uncle Gabe out in the snowy field.

Warning: If your name is Keilah skip over this next picture. 


Other exciting events of the day.

Color / Story / Tic Tac Toe Time with Uncle Gabe

 Nolan deciding which color bronco is his.

I also got some help packing candy down at the candy shop. Nolan obviously thinks we should be eating the candy rather than taking a picture with it. 

Lastly, we are very excited to report we were able to go on a rather amazing movie and dinner date night. We were finally able to go and see Catching Fire and couldn't think of a better way to top things off than with some Spotted Cow and cheese curds at Monk's!

Alright, this extremely long blog post is almost done. I'll leave you with two of my favorite pictures of two of my favorite people. Never mind the fact that one is working and one is snoozing... To be fair though, she did put on quite a feast the day before and someone had to watch Henry while we got everything packed up.


  1. I absolutely love experiencing your blog. I wish that I could express what joy it gives to me to watch your life unfold. I'm so happy to be your cousin. Can't wait for you to come back again. Please make it soon.

    1. Right back at you dearest, Tricia!!! Miss you tons. Thanks for commenting. I'm still too new to the blogging business to know who all even checks this out!
