Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas in Iowa 2015

Christmas in Iowa started off with the usual fun!

 Henry really got into the play room action with all the cousins this year. Can you find him?

The older cousin crew fit in another game of celebrities.

Looks like the trophy is headed to Pella for the year!

We read and reenacted the Christmas story. Probably one of the best performances yet!

Grandpa Lyle was kept company by Miss Faith most of the day.

Aunt Joni surrounded by angels!

Can't thank Miss Addi enough for taking Henry under her wing!

Musical chairs- always a good idea : ) 

Henry receiving a cheese stick for a consolation prize!

Now for a crazy relay competition...

Everybody wins!

Can you tell we were having a lot of fun!

Henry happy as can be!

The next morning started out a little more relaxed with Bronco videos

and spaceship flying!

Everyone got some great gifts!

The highlight was definitely this cute little Jedi and his light-saber! 

 Henry lucked out having such kind cousins who share!! Thanks, Silas : ) 

The BEST gifts around the Christmas tree is the presence of FAMILY!

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