Friday, January 1, 2016

Potty Training

Henry is almost 2.5 years old (27 months to be exact) and has been doing well with peeing on the potty when we ask him to. We are all home for the week so we decided to 'rip off the diapers' and go all in.

Monday morning we had a special present for Henry. Underwear from his good friend Trace and Potty books - every 2 year olds dream : )

Puppy even needed some underwear because he was going to learn too.

All in all it went really well that week. He was a pro at setting the timer and running to the bathroom every time it went off. Of course he struggled a bit with sitting long enough for anything to come out... but we did have some great success and only 2 major accidents that required any carpet cleaning! Here he is with his first "I Pooped!" on the potty treat : ) 

We really were stuck at home for the week... Gabe and I took turns getting out and about. Luckily, Henry has some great friends that came over for a visit. He LOVED showing them his new skills!

Now for week 2 at daycare...

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