Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas in Wisconsin 2015

A trip to Wisconsin means barn chores!

Can't beat milking cows with Grandpa Steve.

Well, maybe petting kitties with Aunt Keilah is pretty cool too!

Sneaking in a few snuggles with Grandpa before bed.

Okay, now to normal Christmas activities.

Visiting with hometown friends!

Helping Grandma Jane with Christmas cookies!

Opening presents!

Wishing I would have gotten these two boys on video. 
Henry getting after the unwrapping and Liam exclaiming "Whoa!"

Adorable Nolan in his adorable Christmas pj's!

 More presents to open!

 Giving hugs : ) 

And of course who wants to play with toys when there is a BOX!

Alright, time to get ready for dinner. Liam showing everyone else up  with his dapper look!

Godson & Godparents

And now for Henry's hour of sugar!

Our last bit of fun with the Powers cousins!

While I forgot to get our traditional family photo in front of the tree I did remember to get the tree!


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