Sunday, December 13, 2015

Christmas Prep

We went to our usual spot (Kiwanis) for our tree. Henry was more interested in getting inside their camper than he was about picking out a silly tree!

His Great-Aunt Alice sent us some very special stockings. Henry thought they looked great and immediately put them on his feet where all stockings in his world go!

Eventually we convinced him to help us hang them by the chimney with care!

Next up, lets get dressed up and take a few photos in front of the tree. Yes, you can hold the reindeer you made at Amanda's.

Taking a two-year-old's photo... I should have known it would take more than one session!

So close!

Not that I was all that successful with him as a 3-month-old

or 1-year-old.

Next up - Christmas at Grandma Jane & Grandpa Steve's house! 

I only made the mistake of mentioning the trip 2 days before our departure. We ended up hearing about it at least 20 times a day and at least 3 different times he woke up in the middle of the night crying out - 
"I wanna go to Grandma Jane's house!"

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