Monday, January 6, 2014

First Christmas {Sumner}

We were home just long enough to do a some laundry, unpack and then pack again for a long weekend in Sumner with the Stauffer clan.

First round of festivities...
Snuggling up with Great Aunt Joni!

Cousin Maddi holding Henry for the first of many times.

Even Great-Grandpa Lyle found a way to steal him away from all the women!

Jodi and Mark

Aunt Dee Dee holding on tight with little Faith coming in for a steal. 

Cousin Faith's turn to squeeze. And why does this sweet girl look so concerned? She was watching a ruthless game of Celebrities!

Reigning Champions - The Boss Bosschers 

Matt: JOINT!! The second part of her name sounds like JOINT! that a violation of rules? Poor Jones needed the extra help anyway!

Jon: Duck  
Jackie: Duck?
later on.... Jackie: You should have gone with Dynasty!! I would have gotten that!
Maybe next year Wolffs!

New this year and surprisingly VERY good - Aunt Dee Dee and cousin Stacey. Can't remember their score but I know they weren't last.

Grandma Laurie is at the piano. That means Christmas songs are being sung and everyone is ready for the Christmas story!

Angels prepping 

 Doesn't even need the crown to look like a handsome wise man!

Almost ready!!

Shepherds have started their waiting!

 An Joesph, the narrator, begins.

On our way to Bethlehem

Wisemen waiting patiently with their presents.

Baby is born!

Shepherds make their way to the stable

Then the wise men and women with their gifts.

 The crew in all its glory.

Some enjoyed the props more than others : ) 

More love being showered down on our little guy.

Henry will have plenty of pretty girls to watch over him for the next few years!

Prayer time 

Presents time 

  Beautiful Boys!

 Stauffer Trivia Winners with their prize

Gift grabbing time and look who drew the #1 pick again this year....hmmm... who is in charge of this anyway! 

Aunt Joni excited to be opening yet another gift!

The men are much more relaxed.

Although they are training a young one to steal!

One last tradition before everyone has to leave for the night -blowing out the candles on Jesus's birthday cake!

What a beautiful end to a beautiful day! So blessed to have such an amazing extended family!

Henry did great for his first sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa Stauffers and was all ready to smile and coo in the morning. 

Henry looking pretty small in his cousin Garrison's hands. 

Aunt Susan and cousin Reagan looking him over before he goes down for a nap. 

Time with Uncles Nate and Adam

What else did we do besides fawn over the newest little one!

Two words = Dance Lessons : )

Grandpa Gary and Uncle Gabe explaining (with enthusiasm) the do's and don'ts of dancing. Can you tell they are related!

1,2,3, 1,2,3 1,2,3 

 and twirl

Lots of circles around the living room but always time to pose for a quick pic!

Guess who's here!

Pippy and her new monkey!

 Silas showing his older cousins how it is done!

Chest on chest! Get on your toes! 

Silas: Hey, let me at 'em!

We may seriously need to think about adding a few wrestling mats to the downstairs living room. I doubt Henry will be staying out of the mix once he is old enough to roll someone over!

Opening gifts was especially fun this year watching Silas and Piper open up some very special presents from Grandpa and Grandma. 

Silas and his hard earned combine!

 Piper and her baby crib!

Super excited to get her monkey right to bed!

A very special clock made by a handyman Garrison.

 Just call them the Blacksmith Brothers!

First set of safety gear before they set up shop!

Lastly, it wouldn't be Christmas without Uncle Adam and Aunt Susan giving someone a huge bear to store in their home!

Yes, Henry he is all yours : )

Thanks, Aunt Susan and Uncle Adam. You sure made Henry's Christmas wish come true! Now all Mom and Dad have to do is buy a bigger house : )  Hahaha aren't they funny!

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