Thursday, April 13, 2017

Super Henry and the Monster

 One day there was a BIG, SCARY, MONSTER in the living room playing with all of Henry's toys. 

We were so scared and didn't know what to do!

THEN, out of no where came SUPER HENRY!!

He was SUPER fast!

And SUPER Brave!

 And he battled that BIG, SCARY, MONSTER!

At first he didn't do so well...

But luckily the Monster got tired.

Super Henry ended up using his Super Strength

and was able to take down that Monster even without his Super Henry mask!

That Monster had no chance with those SUPER Muscles!

Meanwhile Celie girl...

Practicing all the moves!

And squealing nonstop!

Thanks, Aunt Susan and Uncle Adam - Super Hero gear was a Super Success!!

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