Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Part II

Part II

Me: Henry, what was your favorite part of being in Wisconsin?
Henry: Chores with Grandpa.  

He literally tried to follow in his every footstep! 

It wasn't all just fun he had to do a little work too! 

Took him awhile but he got a decent amount of the hay stack moved!

Aunt Keilah eventually came out too but all she did was hold cats ; ) 

I got in on my old job of holding cow tails although I think the photos turned out better when I was in a dress and jelly shoes!

Time to see if I can still scrape the walk : )

Henry wasn't impressed...

Thanks Nolan for helping him clean up!
Meanwhile Celie was busy with her favorite toy - the timer!

Books before bed 

Finally time to wake up and look for Easter baskets.

Getting warm Henry!

Nope, not in there Uncle Bill.

Look again buddy!


Easter Bunny goodies!

Celie did pretty good too : ) 

Henry helping out Grandpa and Grandma.

Time to dress up and look sharp for Easter church.

Another family that cleans up good!

They found their names at the kiddie table : )

Tummies are full time to unwind!

Last up, an Easter egg hunt in the windiest conditions ever!

It was a wonderful Easter and we had one sleeping boy before we even hit the interstate : ) 

*Yikes, working on my photo quality I've just noticed I need to take more Celie shots! Poor #2 already so neglected : ( 

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