Saturday, February 11, 2017

Henry at almost 3 and a half

Henry is at a really fun stage and we are enjoying every minute. Some of the things he LOVES to do these days.

Build 'nests' to nap or sleep in.

Chores with Daddy! 
H: What's next, Dad?

Pretend play with anything and everything.
H: Mom, do you think some day I can go fishing with Dad?

H: Mom, since I was good and took a good nap can I watch a show please?

Put on matching tattoos with Mom!
*Love this pic - too bad he covered mine up : ) 

Send 'Happy B-day' videos to friends and family!

We had a solid week of 'BoxBoy' thanks to Dad : ) 

He spent a few days really getting after it with drawing. Can you pick out where he 'wrote' his name in blue on the big sheet of paper?

Then one morning he work up and said, "Mom, I have an idea. I need some tape."
Next thing I knew he was flying this around the house!

His favorite foods: smoothies, pb roll up, oatmeal with honey & cinnamon, sweet potatoes, eggs, fruit, & just about every kind of meat! He is a great eater (most of the time) He has perfected his stalling tactics at the supper table with plenty of song singing and story telling. 

The things he says these days. 

On the way to Amanda's house almost every morning lately without ANY prompting from me! 
H: Mom, when Miss Amanda says 'No show today Henry' I'm going to say 'Okay, Miss Amanda, that's alright." Mom, when Miss Amanda says 'Time for nap' I'm going to say 'Okay Miss Amanda' and take a good nap. Mom, I'm going to be a good boy today. 

On the way home from Amanda's or at the supper table he always asks.
H: Mom, how was your day today?
M; It was a great day Henry. I was busy at work helping teachers and working with students. It was cold at recess but I still had fun. How was your day, Henry?
H: Oh good. I watched a show. I had a snack. I played with toys. I took a nap. 
*If anything doesn't go so great at Amanda's (with him or with anyone else) that is the first thing he reports! He spills his guts on every wrong doing and gives a report of his friends as well...

Other cuteness he talks about-
H: Mom, is there going to be a tormado when I wake up from nap? 
(Waking up to one close by this fall while he was at daycare has left quite an impact.)

H: Mom, do you think someday I can ride a submarine? an airplane? 

He has learned to spell his name and a few others by singing a 'special' song. He even surprised us at church last weekend when he said the Our Father word for word with us. 

He is fully in to the "I can do it myself!" phase!

Oh how we love this special little boy!!

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