Sunday, February 26, 2017

Celie Dee is ONE

Our 'little' ONE year old!
She has grown to 27inches long and weighs in at 14lbs 8oz.

I'd say she had a pretty good little celebration even though she wasn't feeling the greatest. 

Gabe made her crown and I made her cake! 

Celie tends to eat a little slower than her big brother and cousins.

She only takes a step or two but that is plenty!

She loved all her cards and presents!

As always the boxes and wrappings were the biggest hit!

Once the guests had left and as soon as she woke from her afternoon nap her temperature spiked and she spent the rest of the evening in Daddy's arms. 

She rallied for a little supper but ended up with a nasty virus that kept her home for most of the week. 

When she wasn't sleeping.

She was trying to get in some play time.

Oh how we love our long haired little girl!

She isn't necessarily a Mommy's girl but she can be shy especially compared to her brother. But Gabe and I kind of love when she turns into us like this. 

She is pretty normal when it comes to play activities. Her toys mean nothing compared to the container cupboard.

I'm okay with her pulling herself up if it would help with keeping her from putting so much in her mouth...

but it doesn't seem to faze her!

Some side by sides with big brother at 12months.

I can't believe it has been a YEAR! 

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