Monday, December 26, 2016

Celie 10 month

Celie Dee is 10 months old!! She is losing that baby look and becoming quite the little girl. 

She is doing better and better with food. Although a large portion ends up on the floor... She likes sweet potatoes, peas, avocado, rice & meat, peaches, bananas, broccoli bites - most importantly anything SHE can grab. Don't try to spoon feed her more than a few bites! 

Her favorite thing to do these days? Mess around with big brother : ) Most of the time Henry just laughs at her little shenanigans but when he isn't feeling his best he gets a little dramatic and complains "MOM, Celie keeps touching me!!" 

Not so fun this month - She got her first temp and subsequent cold. She battled it like a champ and pretty much slept until she was feeling better.

I know I'm a little bias but I swear she gets cuter and cuter every day.

She did miraculously well with only touching one ornament on the Christmas tree. Gabe wanted to move the bell but I kind of liked that she was always trying to ring it. 

There is a reason one of her nicknames is Sprout : ) 

We have been getting a lot of this - Mom/Dad, I'm about to crawl and get something I don't think I should!

She is still doing her army crawl thing but she also adds in a little extra toe push to launch herself forward. That girl will be developing a solid plank soon!

Two blurry but funny photos. 
She grabbed the other bell of the tree and was super stoked!

or confused as to the fact that there were two ornaments making noise!

Lastly, she has become a pro at saying HI, waving Bye, Bye AND...

(my favorite) blowing kisses

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