Monday, July 4, 2016

Fourth of July Fun {part III}

We started the morning out with a little Pie in the Face action : )
Celie was a bit alarmed to say the least!

I don't think these two ever take a bad photo together!

Remember that time cousin Haley went all Lion King on you!

Our little Celie girl has the best big girls to look up to!

The boys!

Happy as can be!

Fitting in a few books with Grandpa!

A perfect age to be busy together.

Ah, the final piece!

Just a couple of cuties hanging out.

I bet I can guess what he is asking his sweet Aunt Dee...

It wouldn't be a weekend home without a visit to see Aunt Dee!

Final bit of shenanigans for the weekend - WATER WARS 2016! 

But first a family photo before we forget!

Only the bravest participated!

First up, cup races.

Now for a classic - water balloon toss!

We may not have one Lydia but at least we looked cute!

Winner, winner chicken dinne! (As Gabe likes to say : )

Pass the water!

Lots of close calls with this one!


Oh how bad we feel for the poor red team - better luck next year!

Other cuteness happening...

and that -
Sorry, Henry but I don't think even a hug is going to convince her of giving the last balloon to you!

And now time for the drive home....he barely made it out of the driveway before this happened.

Thanks for a great visit home! Already looking forward to next year!!!

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