Sunday, July 3, 2016

Fourth of July Fun {part II}

Day two involved lots of fun on the farm.

At one point or another I think everyone enjoyed some time in the sand pile!

A little bit of bag action.

Can't go without some time in the school house!

Second cousins ready to enjoy the day!

Grandpa Steve insists chocolate sundaes are a necessary part of farm life!

Happy helpers : ) 

 No your screen isn't dirty... just a typical two-year-olds dirty face!

Time for kickball!

Or digging to Russia...

Plenty of entertainment for the older crowd!

Keep going Grace!

On to Duck, Duck, Goose!

Their kids were definitely some of the most entertaining!

Uncle Scott always finds a way to fit in a snooze : )

And poor Mackenzie got put to work!

Gracie is starting to slow down...

New plan. Bury me!

Henry's little guardian, Audrey from Brooklyn.

Thank goodness someone was watching him! Mom and Dad didn't even bother to see what he was drinking out of his cup for most of the day...
on the left. lemonade, folks. brown, sandy lemonade!
Thank you, Audrey!

Once everyone left we needed some down time. Good thing Miah was around to read some stories.

Turned in to a bit of an arm workout!

The night ended with Grandma sacrificing to watch the kids.

So we could meet up with some of our siblings for some drinks & apps!

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