Sunday, June 12, 2016

First Family Vacation! {part I}

We started off our family fun in Madison by staying at a hotel and enjoying a morning swim in the pool! Henry 'loved' it... not exactly jump in to Dad's arms loved it but maybe next time : ) 

Next, we hit up the Henry Vilas Zoo in Madison. It looked like it was going to rain but we decided to risk it. 

Our first lion siting!

Giraffes are some of my favorites!

There were a ton of flamingos!

and waterfalls... Henry had to make sure and get a photo by the waterfall?!

Seriously, we had a blast!

Even sleeping Celie enjoyed it ; ) 

Every single animal was busy in action. I think because it was a perfect overcast day after a super sunny hot day.

Even the turtles were moving a little faster than usual!

 Of course, we had to hit up the ice cream shop.

Henry's first carousal ride!

And his favorite exhibit - the train!! We couldn't stop at just one ride : ) 

We had such an amazing day together we could have went home happy right then and there but...

we were just getting our week of adventure started! 

Stay tuned for our Milwaukee shenanigans!

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