Friday, June 17, 2016

First Family Vacation! {part III}

 His first night sleeping in a big hotel bed....
While we did our best to COMPLETELY ignore him and his shenanigans for over an hour... I couldn't help but snap a couple photos and smile every time he peaked his head up and asked, "Mom, whatchya doin'?" - Ignoring you Henry! Trying really, really hard to ignore you so you GO TO BED!!


Best part of the city - the bungee jumps ; ) aka CRANES! 

Inside the Betty Brinn Children Museum with Supermom-NOT!
Betty Brinn Children's Museum... long story short. Check front pockets for locker key ; ) If you want a laugh I can fill you in on the details of this fiasco! 

Favorite part of the museum!

Other fun stuff...
Biergarten (Neighborhood Beer Garden) with cousins in the city! Dan made sure to document the gathering on Insta as proof Mom and Dads can still be cool and have fun : ) 

 At least Celie still thinks we are pretty cool : ) 

Henry wanted to hang with cousin Allie

and Lucy

Walks along the lake!

It was a gorgeous evening with tons of boats to watch!

We tried to run him ragged hoping we could wear him out...

Taking a look at the tower crane

Deciding not to listen to Mom and start running to the crane for a closer look...

One of MY favorite parts of the city is the FOOD!! Henry was all about dinner dates as well : ) 


Celie wasn't as excited.

Another bonus for the week - having Grandma Jane come for a night!

and getting to go out to lunch with Tracy!!!

Last day of vacay was spent with Momma trying to redeem her earlier fiasco of an adventure...
You can tell the kids don't have much confidence! 

I'd say our city walk was a success!

We ended with a little park fun while we waited to surprise Daddy after finishing up his test!

Day after vacay....

Returning to reality was a bit rough so there were lots of timeouts.

And one very random pass out on the living room floor episode!
He has NEVER fallen asleep anywhere but his bed!! One random tantrum just wore him out apparently cause the next thing I knew he was snoring : )  

1 comment:

  1. You make vacation with two little kids look like a great adventure. What good fun!
