Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Celie's 2 Month Report!

Our little girl is growing fast! 
She is weighing in at 10lbs these days and measuring 22 inches long. 

She is definitely the Apple of her Father's Eye!

And the most smiley baby EVER!!

When she isn't melting our hearts with her smiles she is trapping me beneath her sleepy snuggles!

Seriously! How on earth am I supposed to get anything done?!

A few more favorites showing off her neck strength!

Oh our happy little girl!!


  1. Oh my goodness! That mop of hair, the Cupid mouth, those melty eyes! I'm in love❤️💗❤️

  2. I love the look she has in the blue chair. I think she just heard Henry tell about the time he tipped over in the chair...

    1. Haha! That thought did run through our heads as well : )
