Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Celie's 2 Month Report!

Our little girl is growing fast! 
She is weighing in at 10lbs these days and measuring 22 inches long. 

She is definitely the Apple of her Father's Eye!

And the most smiley baby EVER!!

When she isn't melting our hearts with her smiles she is trapping me beneath her sleepy snuggles!

Seriously! How on earth am I supposed to get anything done?!

A few more favorites showing off her neck strength!

Oh our happy little girl!!

Sunday, April 24, 2016

First Bronco Ride

The weather is warming up and that means it is BRONCO TIME!

 Perfect fit for TWO! Henry and his 'thumbs' up.... 

It was a beautiful evening to drive around! Can't wait for many more : ) 

Monday, April 11, 2016

Honk for Henry

Every morning Henry watches as his Daddy leaves for work...

We always tell him if he waves nice and hi Daddy will HONK when he leaves : )

"He honked!" 

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Celie's Baptism Weekend

On Sunday, April 10th we baptized Celie Delores!


Godparents: Adam & Andrea


It was so wonderful have family in town.

I think just about everybody got a few snuggles in - even Savannah ; ) 

Sweet Celie always has a few smiles for her Grandpas!

"Ma, I still hungry." 

Aunt Joanie & Uncle Len were even in town!

Somebody was excited about Celie's new boots. 


Thanks everyone for coming and celebrating. It was wonderful day filled with lots of fun family time and sweet treats!

Oh and one last picture of Celie girl and her Momma - in the same dress just a month apart.
Thanks, Aunt Kathy for letting her wear it!

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Big Brother on Duty

Henry is really starting to get after his big brother duties these days. He has been asking to hold her every so often. It usually lasts less than 2 seconds unless I ask if I can take some pictures : ) Then he is all about sitting pretty for some photos!

Not quite a spontaneous kiss but still adorable. 

Not sure what to think about it!

Whenever Celie cries Henry always lets me know by shouting, "Mom, Celie's hungry!" If I can't quite get to her fast enough he tries to "shush" her like he has seen his Dad do. Every once and a while he will start singing Ba Ba Black Sheep to her because in his own words "That's her favorite." 

 Busting out the hand gestures... he knew I had the camera going : )