Wednesday, April 29, 2015


It started out like a normal Wednesday morning. I was finishing up getting ready and Gabe and Henry were playing around in the hallway. Next thing I heard, BOOM!

Henry had ran into a corner that happened to also be the edge of some Plexiglas Gabe had put in to prevent him from falling in between our railings. Anyway, the cut on his nose didn't look too good and there was a lot of back and forth about whether or not we should bring him in for stitches. After a phone call in to a nurse we opted for a band-aid until we could show his sitter for a more experience opinion.

Side note: The band-aid ended up lasting a whole 20 minutes before he took it off. 

Kisses from Daddy were also part of our treatment. 

By the time I picked him up that afternoon to bring him in to his regular doctor for a look the cut was pretty much healed. They ended up being more concerned about making sure he didn't have a concussion. Which he did not - thankfully!

All in all he was perfectly fine and Mom & Dad gained a little more experience.

 Later that afternoon.... his first bloody skinned knee! 

 Going out to get an Aloe Vera plant as soon as I'm done typing : )  

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