Thursday, April 23, 2015

18 months old!

The days may be short but the months are sure flying by! We have officially entered the toddler phase... wish us luck : ) 

By the way... this was the best shot I got. It was quite the photo shoot...

What we LOVE most about you these days!

How you make all your kisses SMACK! Not only are you a pro at SMOOCHIN' but you dole them out quite readily. Some of our favorite memories are laying with you in the morning while you go back and forth giving us each kiss, after kiss, after kiss!

You are a pro at waving bye, bye and blowing kisses. We couldn't feel more loved as we head out the door!

How you play! As I sit here and type you have been ‘reading’ through all your books. It really can’t get any better and I seriously just hold my breath thinking you are going to realize any second it is 18 minutes past your normal supper time….

Just as handy with his screw driver as he is his cooking spatula! 
I'm doing what I can for his future wife ; ) 

You LOVE to laugh. You are always coming back for more and love laughing until you can't physically stand up anymore. p.s. Your left armpit is your most ticklish spot, so is your neck and belly. 

All your OWIES need kisses!  Yes, we are at that stage and I LOVE IT! It is a little weird though how you will 're-injure' yourself 3 more times in a row just to get more kisses....

You LOVE playing at the park. You can go down slides all by yourself and smile uncontrollably while you swing : )

Words you say that we understand! shoes, socks, thank you, please, hot, momma, daddy, help, bye-bye, hi, moo, pop, paw, caw, caw, cheep, roar, Jesus and Amen!

A few more we actually caught on video!

You also--- sing to us, point out your nose,eyes, & ears, wave at cars, put any little piece of dirt you find in the garbage, flush and wave bye, bye to your poop, help us with delivering things between mommy and daddy, every once and while if we hold our breath just right you sometimes snuggle for 5-10 minutes and let us sing and rock you.

What you are still working on.

Climbing… You are getting really, REALLY, close but we are so not ready!!

Being okay with baby sitters again… You  have definitely developed an attachment to us and that makes for a few freak out moments when someone new comes in the house. You are always on the look out for being left in the hands of a sitter. So if it seems like we are cleaning up and getting ready for something you start to follow us around nervously.

Feeding yourself with a spoon…. You really like to do it and get super possessive but while you are spot on with putting the spoon in your mouth you can’t quite figure out how to actually get food on your spoon. Needless to say our meals are taking a little longer than usual these days.

Hitting - While we think you have got it mostly under control you still like to sneak it in there everyone once in a while to show how angry you are with us. You definitely understand the word time out : )

To quote one of our favorite bed time books -
"We love you without liking the naughty things you do. You're our sweetie, our dear, our smile and our giggle. "

We truly do LOVE you way, way more than you know!


  1. Awww... love the pictures, love the video!!! G & H already have a lot in common... I mean, they both know where their nose is! (We're raising geniuses, am I right?) Although I must say that G is a bit lazy when it comes to work, so I'm glad Henry is learning how to use tools, cook, AND take out the trash. Right now, Gretel is more interested in eating the food AND the trash. :)

    18 months... I can't even believe it! That's so OLD!!

  2. I love the cheeky grin and the sparkle in his eyes 💕
