Monday, March 2, 2015

Happy 70th Dad!


This weekend is easily one of my new favorite memories!


It started with the most wonderful of surprises!! The AZ boys just really wanted to have breakfast at home this weekend.IMG_5280

New favorite photo!IMG_5283

He really had no clue!IMG_5284


A little blurry but a moment I’ll never forget.


We had a few Christmas gifts to finish handing out… Good work, Keilah!!IMG_5306

Amazing job, Mike! We are all ridiculously impressed!!IMG_5310


Where was Henry? Snuggling with Grandma!IMG_5308

Enjoying some of Vaughn’s Youtube videos!! IMG_5316

After breakfast we had some good play time in the living room.IMG_5326

It is the cutest thing watching these two little boys “play”.IMG_5330




H – Here you go, Liam.


H – Are you sure you don’t want to trade?

L – Nope. I’m good with my bigger cooler toy.


H – Seriously, look how cool this thing is!IMG_5339

H – See your toy doesn’t even really work. I think we should do a trade and I’ll fix it for you. IMG_5341

H – You’re the best cousin ever! IMG_5342

L – Yeah, yeah…IMG_5343

H – HAHAHAHA! That was the best joke ever Liam!IMG_5344


And then the little stinker proceeded to put on his best show – muscles!!IMG_5345

Some of us weren’t as entertained as others…IMG_5353

And one sweet little boy was very busy in the back doing who knows what : ) IMG_5354


What else were we up to this weekend?

Watching videos of cute Miss Miah dancing! Especially since she wasn’t here to stop us her dad  : ) IMG_5357

Taking turns holding sweet little Liam!IMG_5362


Some of us had to bust out some more tricks than others…

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His momma had all his attention.IMG_5410


Liam and Grandpa SteveIMG_5432

Liam showing his full out cuteness!!!!



While everyone was gushing over the baby this little stinker got served two desserts AND got away with it!!!IMG_5364


Mostly our time was spent gathered in the kitchen around the dinner table talking, IMG_5366


laughing : ) IMG_5370



eating ice creamIMG_5372

in syncIMG_5373

for REAL!!IMG_5375

crazy, right?!!IMG_5376


Table talkIMG_5400





The start of a serious conversation about imitation crab meat…crabmeat

Bill – completed stunned that he didn’t know this basic fact about crab meat… or lack there of

and Vaughn – not even slightly amused as to what Mike has to say : ) IMG_5417

Brotherly love at its finest!IMG_5420

A little game of LRC before bed!IMG_5437

Morning chores with the big boys… kind of.IMG_5445

Henry with one of his favorite Aunts…maybe it was just the troll!IMG_5448

Look what we got Dad for his bday?! JK, it’s the rental that gave it all away ; ) IMG_5454


Everyone is home. That means it is time to celebrate!!IMG_5458


Don’t believe a word they say Aunt Andrea!IMG_5474

Especially when Lydia starts using her hands!! Her story is just getting wilder, and wilder ; ) IMG_5475


Haha!! Perfect snapshot!



Looks like these two were having some fun!



Mary Jean, Aunt Dee, and Gabe getting caught up.IMG_5472

Henry with his truly Great Aunt Doe! p.s. This is right after he did a full out run into her arms : )IMG_5469










Camera wars!


Savannah with a fast draw!IMG_5486


Uncle Mike is still the pro!



The cake!



The candles!


The birthday boy!IMG_5493

The smoke!IMG_5495

The presents!IMG_5509

Some of our favorites gifted right back to Da!IMG_5532


You can never have enough windshield wiper fluid!



Just as much fun writing these in as it was giving it to him!IMG_5537






How cool is this photo - Dad and all his siblings!!IMG_5544


Dad and his boys ; ) IMG_5546


“Hey, let me see that….!”IMG_5548

Vaughn and his poem The Man with the Kool-Aid Smile


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Getting a little closer look at some of our favorite memories of Dad : ) IMG_5564


Fitting in a few more photos!IMG_5597


A nice picture of dad and daughter



One last pictures before it was time to go. Henry enjoying all the goodies Grandpa’s pocket has to offer : )


1 comment:

  1. LOVE this!! What a wonderful weekend you gave him!!
