Sunday, February 1, 2015

Snowy Sunday


We were both a little worn out before we even made it in to the snow! It was my first time suiting him up. I really should have timed us or even better had Gabe video it : )  And yes, those are two different mittens. Already having problems finding a matching pair!



All bundled up and walking pretty good in his boots.IMG_5098

Sitting in the snow wasn’t his favorite.IMG_5101

Wanting to loosen a few things up.IMG_5104

He LOVED watching Gabe shovel : ) IMG_5110



Time for his turn!IMG_5115



We have a nice little hill for sledding so what do you do when you don’t have a sled? Find a lid to a garbage can!



Then Gabe tried some pushing down the drive way. That hurts your back. So….


Time to pick the shovel back up : )IMG_5139








He loved every second of it! Until mean old momma had to drag him kicking and screaming back in the house to warm up : ) IMG_5118


Happy again now that he sees his daddy!IMG_5145


Time for their Sunday reading. Oh how I love my boys!IMG_5152

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love these pictures! You are very good parents to Henry! So glad he came into our lives!
