Tuesday, February 17, 2015

One very Happy Birthday!



Henry had one sweet surprise for me when he got home.IMG_5255

He is getting so good at handing us things… even two pretty pink roses!IMG_5259


Gabe also had a sweet surprise…

The night before Gabe said he was going to bake my cake. I wasn’t allowed in the kitchen while he was doing it. He was busy for exactly 3.5 hours. I was a bit concerned. I offered help – twice. He was super excited and said he had it all under control. Before we went to bed I was given strict instructions not to peak underneath. I was pretty sure he ended up having to make at least two if not three cakes…



TaDa!!!! He nailed it!! And he tricked me : ) IMG_5274


   Thought it would be cute to take a picture in front of my bday cake with Henry.                                                                         Forgot how far his little arms can reach.           Lucky he didn’t burn his finger!!


Not going to look at the camera no matter what!IMG_5265


After I blew them out we relit them two more times to give him a little practice. He didn’t get any blown out but he did some pretty good blowing!IMG_5272

The man I have to thank for making my 31st a very special day! Pretty proud of his cake ; ) Do you see that middle layer of frosting?! That’s right the man who doesn’t cook made me a layered bday cake! Pretty sure he has established his role as the official cake maker in the house ; )


Saturday, February 14, 2015

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Time to get cleaned up!!20150205_184839


Mom helped me get my Valentine treats all ready!IMG_5254


My Valentine <3


Thursday, February 12, 2015

Sick Day

A little under the weather today!



Caught his first little flu bug.



Good thing I got to stay home and soak in lots of snuggles.



Feeling good better after his afternoon nap : )



Fully recovered before he went to bed!!


Saturday, February 7, 2015

What we LOVE about you these days!



Oh Henry, you will be turning 17 months soon and boy are you keeping us moving!IMG_5062


It’s crazy! You have come such a long way and it always nice to reflect.IMG_5065


Yay! I know I’m excited to look at new pictures too!!IMG_5072


First, we love watching you ‘cook’. You have mastered the stirring and are always wanting us to ‘taste test’.IMG_5091


You finally gave green beans another try! Turns out you are open to new foods as long as they are put in a bowl!! …at least for now : ) IMG_5077


You are really good at letting us clip your nails. For whatever reason I think you look absolutely adorable as you sit on your daddy’s lap.IMG_5088




You have also started to be a little naughty... You know exactly what we don’t want you getting in to!! And when you don’t think you are getting enough attention you go through the house and touch all the “Uh-Ohs”!





We love your crazy, wispy, won’t stay in place blond hair! I am combing it constantly but definitely not ready to cut anything just yet!IMG_5161


We love how you sit and read your books in your favorite chair.IMG_5165


We love that you LOVE being outside. We try to go for walks as much as we can when the weather is warm enough and you always get sad when we have to go back inside.



And now to end with our absolute favorite thing we love about you these days… the “Henry, go to bed” phenomenon!

About two weeks ago Gabe had put Henry to bed and while he normally falls right asleep it seems for whatever reason that night he was not quite ready to fall asleep. After 15-20 minutes of Henry playing around in his bed Gabe decided to get on our monitor and try simply telling our 16-month-old son to simply “Go to bed!” Crazy as this sounds it worked and continues to work every time!! Here is some video Henry’s (or Gabe’s) newest trick : )

“Henry, go to bed.”

And he didn’t move an inch for the rest of the night. Really hoping that potty training goes that easily!!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Snowy Sunday


We were both a little worn out before we even made it in to the snow! It was my first time suiting him up. I really should have timed us or even better had Gabe video it : )  And yes, those are two different mittens. Already having problems finding a matching pair!



All bundled up and walking pretty good in his boots.IMG_5098

Sitting in the snow wasn’t his favorite.IMG_5101

Wanting to loosen a few things up.IMG_5104

He LOVED watching Gabe shovel : ) IMG_5110



Time for his turn!IMG_5115



We have a nice little hill for sledding so what do you do when you don’t have a sled? Find a lid to a garbage can!



Then Gabe tried some pushing down the drive way. That hurts your back. So….


Time to pick the shovel back up : )IMG_5139








He loved every second of it! Until mean old momma had to drag him kicking and screaming back in the house to warm up : ) IMG_5118


Happy again now that he sees his daddy!IMG_5145


Time for their Sunday reading. Oh how I love my boys!IMG_5152