Friday, July 4, 2014

4th of July Weekend in Iowa



Our wonderful weekend started out by getting to enjoy the Shell Rock parade with our friend Lindsay and her twins Charlie and Nora. It was officially Henry’s first parade!


Another first – eating out at a restaurant with our little eater! Now Henry has gone along with us to eat out before but not since he has been eating solid food. I think it is safe to say he was relaxed and thoroughly enjoyed himself!


The best part of the weekend was our time over at Grandpa and Grandma Stauffer’s!

First up, Grandpa’s crawling clinic. Sorry to say he may need a few more lessons before he changes his army crawling technique…


Kind of blurry but Henry LOVES sitting on Gabe’s shoulders and holding on tight. If he even thinks about getting grumpy UP he goes!


And seriously, Gabe is ALL about fun! We had heard Silas had gotten a water gun so we came prepared!


It was quite the battle : )



Grandma and Henry stayed dry on the sidelines!


Once Henry was ready for bed there were a few more snuggles to get in



One lucky guy to have so much fun sitting in his lap!



Once Henry went to bed it was firework time!



Happy Spectators!



Silas wasn’t quite willing to risk missing a moment of the action!


Good thing we had we had been to Wisconsin : )


P.S. Not to worry Henry, you got to see fireworks as well. Dad insisted on a family viewing of the Shell Rock fireworks. You enjoyed it : )

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