Thursday, July 24, 2014

10 Months Old


Growing like a weed! Seriously. He seems to be growing more up than out!

With another 2 inches in just a month Henry is measuring at 28inches long and a solid (still kind of small) 16lbs light : )

10 months



What does he need to work on these days?

Back floats – he’s not a fan!



We were able to get to the outdoor pool for a little family fun and he LOVED it!




He definitely wasn’t afraid of getting wet!



Poor boy struggled to keep his swim trunks up… weird how that seems to be a bit of an issue with us lately ; )


Ready for supper and bed!




What is he getting good at these days?


Reading! Okay, not reading more like “reading”. To watch him playing with his books has quickly become one of our favorite things right now.



Another favorite part of my day is going for walks. Now that he is officially out of the car seat and into the jogger we go for at least one walk a day. I swear he enjoys it more than this picture shows!



His army crawling has officially turned into some climbing so now I OFFICIALLY understand where gray hairs come from!



And can you guess what Henry has been getting really good at lately?


“Bye, Bye”

Can you tell where coach Gabe was standing? Smile 



Alright, so I know I have been super behind on blogging and this isn’t the most exciting update so I’ll leave you with an extra special treat. Our newest, favorite – we can get enough of him – laughing video!!




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