Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week 3: Grandma Powers to the rescue!

             Well, Henry, we had our first full day alone together on Monday and.... I was so glad your Dad came home for his hour lunch break!! I hadn't even gotten my teeth brushed and was a bit of a zombie who just needed a 15 minutes nap. Thank goodness Grandma Jane will be here for the next few days until we can get a little more adjusted!

Janie's Heaven = Baby, Book, and Beer

Thanks, Mom for helping us out. We can't even begin to tell you how much we appreciated all your help around the house, with food, and giving us our first date night out!!!

**Other adventures not documented with pictures**

1. First walk in stroller was a success!

2. You have started to get kind of fussy and we think it is because of gas. We are working on rubbing your tummy and lifting your legs! Turns out you are a LOUD farter and give people quite a scare when they are holding you.

3. On date night we made a quick stop at the store and picked up a pacifier and bought our first baby boy onesie for you. We have been so blessed by friends and family that you really don't need much in the line of clothes but it was fun for us to find something cute just for you. 

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