Saturday, November 26, 2016

9 month old Celie Dee!

Our happy little girl made it to a whopping 14.3 lbs! 

She is getting better and better at eating although it still irks me that she won't eat any of my home made food : /  Luckily, I didn't make that much but still!

She also isn't a fan of being fed. Give her the finger food and she is a happy camper!


Although she can be a bit strong willed at times Daddy definitely has a soft spot for his little sweetie. 

As a 9 month old she is still working to figure out her crawling but she does get to where she needs!

And boy oh boy does she love her brother! 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The End of an Autumn

Wrapping up our Autumn. 

Although Henry is a total Daddy's boy

Mama has been getting some sweet attention lately. 

When Daddy is away we have to keep him in the loop of all the fun happening at home. 

H: Mom, take a picture of me with Daddy's cereal and send it to him. 

H: Let's show Daddy my turkey. 

(Henry has been a project master lately with plenty of artwork to hang up!)

H: Mom, take a picture of me in the cute hat. I think it fits just right.

H: Mom, take a picture of me lifting up this pumpkin. Aren't I strong, Mom?

Yes, my 3 year old. You are strong, happy, fun, lovable and overall an enjoyable toddler.  

But there are times when you just want to to your own thing 

 and like to think you are winning against your parents

and pushing the limits 

but in the end Mom & Dad always win : )  

A video for Dad of our growing boy. 
The last beautiful day on November 16th.
We went for a walk to the park for our last bit of warm fall fun. I couldn't believe how big Henry was getting and that he could possibly be old enough to climb up all by himself. But he did with absolutely no hesitation while I held my breath!