Monday, September 26, 2016

Celie 7 Months

7 months old!

Our little girl is still little. Weighing in at about 13.5lbs she is at least growing in the right direction. She doesn't seem to mind being small because she is as happy as ever!

(I didn't get my camera settings changed and we had a small window of time to get these taken so we had to settle for semi blurry shots : / )

It has been a beautiful month and we have gotten a few trips to the park in ever with our busy schedule.

The best part about this month... all the ponytail action!!

And pig tails - my favorite!!

 We also got to start in on food with her. 

She took a little bit of avocado but overall wasn't a huge fan.

Dad trying his darndest to sneak it in!

Meanwhile, Henry took some extra effort to make sure food got all over his face as well tonight.

All in all, she is way more in to sitting in her chair chewing on toys that she is interested in eating food at this point. 

Excited to see how our next month goes!

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