Saturday, August 13, 2016

Laurie's 70 Birthday Bash

Well, Grandma Laurie had a very special birthday this year and we were all pretty excited to be able to help her celebrate!

Everyone was able to gather for a day filled with fun!

First, we all filled our bellies and got in lots of talk time.

Lucky for us, Henry has lots of sweet older cousins that play patiently with him : )

Celie too!

Then it was time for water games!

The intense pressure to finally pull off a win...

The ecstatic celebration of said win!

Last bit of water fun - frozen tshirts!

Thanks everyone for joining in on the fun! We had quite the cheering crowd as well : )

Next up: Scavenger Hunt!

Everyone got a pretty good workout, can you tell?!

Last but not least we had to fit in a quick game of softball or Stauf-ball ; )

Time for the birthday girl to light her candles!

What's everyone looking at?

 Happy Birthday Laurie!! It was a wonderful day to celebrate together!!

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