Sunday, February 7, 2016

Our Big Boy!

He's been insisting on washing himself with his fun body 'paint' soap! Thanks Silas and Piper for all of this fun : ) 

Henry is his new room and big bed! 

Mom and Dad were all anxious checking the monitor every 20 minutes just like the first few nights in your crib!

A boy and his imagination! He has absolutely LOVED his magnets we got him for Christmas. Every single day he plays with them at least once making space ships, pools, helicopters, quad copters and who knows what else!

He also went in for a professional hair cut that although it wasn't his first it sure made him look like the big boy he is fast becoming. 

Lastly, our big boy is rocking it with the potty training! It has been weeks since he has had any sort of accident and he somehow got over his fear of pooping. 
His favorite victory sayings:
Momma, I POOPed!
 Poo-pin' on the Pot-ty!
and lastly,
Chug-a-chug-a Poop! Poop!

Hey, whatever it takes : ) 

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