Saturday, May 16, 2015

Greenbay Visit!

We had the most incredible weekend up in Green Bay. I had been most worried about the 6 hour car ride there and back but thankfully Henry slept like a champ!!!

Once in Green Bay he fell in love with Sarah's sweet girls, Anna and Isabella.

Lots of Ring around the Rosy action and pretending to go night, night : ) 

Later that day we went on a little outing to do a little exploring around Door County.

Lots of beautiful scenery for family photos!

And lots of exploring!

and time for a few kisses even!

A girl ready to conquer the world!

Henry with his sticks!

One of our favorite stops that day included some go-cart action.

Day two - Race Day at Lambeau!

My favorite cheer section!

I can't believe how great all the kiddos did!

A HUGE thanks to Sarah and Gabe for all the running around and extra support! I saw them 4 different times during the race : )

Definitely an incredible weekend and already hoping to do it all again next year!

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