Saturday, June 7, 2014

The Amazing Ms. Amanda!

{When you are not able to be the one taking care of your child during the day you hope and pray to find someone that you trust…. Someone that will play with them, feed them, change their diapers, wipe their nose, hold them tight, read books, show them silly faces, take them for walks, teach them patience, get them to nap, make them laugh, take their temperature, and wipe up their spit -  ALL while showing them love.}

Amanda – We can’t thank you enough for taking care of our little boy and being so supportive and reassuring as we get started on our parenting journey.  The love and patience you and your family have shown with Henry and with us is truly a God send. We also deeply appreciate you sharing your children with us. Henry was spoiled each and every day to have Gabby & Preston watching out for him and providing such memorable entertainment!



The best parts of my day were when one of these pictures would arrive via text showing us what our little guy was up to!

{He finally reached the parrot!}



{Trying to get in on a game of Slap Jack}


{Wanting to play with the big boys}

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{His buddy Preston]


{Sweet little Miss Gabby)




{One of his first days and one of his last}

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Thanks, Amanda! He wouldn’t be the amazing napper, happy little book lover, smart and sweet boy without everything you have done for him these last few months.


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