Monday, March 31, 2014

A Weekend with Wisconsin Visitors

What a beautiful weekend! The weather was gorgeous and we were lucky enough to enjoy it with family!  Grandma Jane, Aunt Keilah, and cousins Lydia, Haley, and Nolan were here for a visit. As always we had tons of fun. 

Nolan's turn to refill the squirrel feeder. 

Play time in the park!

While this toothless cutie ran around making new friends...

the girls took a little break for some 'girl talk' : )

One last fun photo!

Time for an ice cream break

and a little Henry holding : )

Haley had just the right length of hair for taste testing!

Lovely Ladies!

Next Up.....

Pool Time!

When I say Henry was the center of attention... I'm not even exaggerating : ) 

Someone is eyeing up the big 'bath tub'.

 Not a lot of smiles but no sad faces either.

Excited for all the future Saturday swim nights to come with this crew!

Dad's turn to get him excited about swimming! 

Turns out he would rather just cuddled with Grandma Jane.

So Henry what did you think about your first time in a pool?  "Ehhh" was the look we got. Maybe the second time will be more fun.

 Thanks for the visit! Hoping we can do it all again soon...perhaps once a month kind of tradition ; ) 

Sunday, March 23, 2014

6 Months Old

So what is it like to be 6 months old?

Well, believe it or not even though I am still pretty small I have come a long way these last 6 months!

 My physique is filling out more and more. I'll be as big and strong as daddy in no time! 

 I love watching Daddy work and can't wait till I can be a little more hands on.  

I'm really good at playing (aka chewing) with all of my favorite toys.

And rolling, I'm really good at rolling!

I've gotten pretty good at melting Momma's heart on a daily basis. I just give her these sweet smiles and gaze into her eyes.... : )

All in all LIFE IS GREAT! 
God is good. 
And I think I'll keep these two for at least the next 6 months.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day from Himself

Henry's 1st St. Patrick's day was spent watching Mom and Dad eat Guinness Stew & Brown Bread. We tried a quick photo shoot in the morning with his cute little Irish cap from Aunt Jess & Uncle Bill. Needless to say this little guy does not sit still any more....

One quick close up that he wasn't quite ready for : ) 

He's all about the feet right now!

Look at those Irish eyes a smilin'

 One of my new favorite photos!

And another favorite!

Oh, my heart just melts every time!

He is definitely growing each and every day so we are getting our snuggles and kisses in while we can!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Favorite Moments with a 51/2 Month Old

I decided to take less pictures and more video this last month. Thus, a 5 minute video montage of my favorite moments with our little 5 1/2 month old baby boy.