Thursday, November 7, 2013

Oh Business Trips!

Why are you dressed super cute but looking a little nervous? Well, your crazy parents have decided to take you along on a business trip to Chicago! That's right you have your first stay overnight in a hotel at 6 weeks old and you were AMAZING!

 You were a ROCK STAR the entire drive. You would only get a little fussy when it was time to eat otherwise you watched out the window or slept the entire 5 (or more like 6 with all the stops to nurse) drive!

Not only did you get to go along with Daddy on a business trip and stay in a hotel but the best part was meeting my dear friends Tracy and Mike! We enjoyed a wonderful supper and a great chance to catch up. Tracy held you the entire time! Thanks Tracy and Mike for letting us crash your Tuesday night so last minute. We are so very glad Henry got to meet you!

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