Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Celie is TWO...or three - at least that's what she keeps telling everyone : /

Looking as TWO as ever!

We celebrated the weekend before her big day with some cake and ice cream with Stauffer family. 

Getting some food in before family arrives!

 Time for her TuTu!

and crown : ) 

Oh yeah, warming up her dance moves.

Quick sibling pic

Wahoo, they are here!!

All ready to take on the big TWO!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Birthdays Blast

We were able to get away for the weekend and enjoy some skiing again this year!

 Conditions were definitely a lot more winter-like!

Love our little adventures!

Helping Celie get a little practice in before her big day!

Easy Peasy!

Friday, February 16, 2018

February Fun

Our first (Old) McDonald's toy! 

Checking out the John Deere museum!

The start of Stauffer Family Movie Nights!

Painting his first set of Valentines!

He had lots of sweet friends!

Our first snowfall and Dad isn't here to shovel : ) 

Henry's first wrestling meet. Loras vs. Wartburg!

Mom and Celie had some fun girl time too! 

 Our first snowman!

Our snow days weren't all snowflakes and snuggles ; )