Saturday, September 23, 2017

Henry the 4 year old!

Henry has been busy working on a pretty important list as party day approached

and insisted on helping get the house ready!

Although I doubt his Grandpa's even noticed ; ) 

Cousins Piper and Silas were excited to play!

Henry couldn't wait to tell everyone we were having 'dirt' cake!

Second child scores her first dessert much earlier than her older brother ever did...

And boy did she LOVE it!


Thanks, Aunt Doe and Uncle Scott!

Henry has wanted to host this digging party since he started digging in May! It was a perfect day to get dirty : ) 

Books with Grandpa as the party wound down. 

We really need to remember to take this picture much earlier in the festivities!

Enjoying Dirt Cake leftovers!

Thanks everyone for helping celebrate this special little boy!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Fishing with Friends!

After spending the summer practicing his casting Henry was all ready to go when the Homan's invited him for his first official fishing trip. 

Gabe and Noah

Friday, September 1, 2017

Family Fun Day

We started a new thing this summer Family Fun Day!
Henry is always asking us what we are doing tomorrow. Is it an Amanda day, preschool day, church day... Well, he didn't have a clear name for Saturdays so Family Fun Days was started!

 Campfire & S'mores

Trips for ice cream in the Bronco

Fun at the Greene Farm

Fun at the Park!