Sunday, May 7, 2017

Family Farming

We got to spend some time this morning visiting Gabe while he got started on planting corn.

I loved seeing Henry so excited! He hasn't done this stance since he was two and it is one of our favorites!

Proof Celie and I were along for it all as well : ) 

Watching for rock!

Time to load up the planter!

New favorite family photo!

Friday, May 5, 2017

The Dapper Digger & the Marshmallow Mouse

Henry came running out of his room this morning wanting to wear his suspenders and tie to Amanda's today! Once we got there he thought he should have a picture sitting at her picnic table.

Once we got home he went to his usual spot behind the garage and did his digging. He will stay back there for up to an hour just digging away and moving rocks from one spot to the next. I tried to quietly sneak behind today and snap photos cause I just couldn't get enough of him in this outfit!

Meanwhile, I had a little mouse trying to get in to my marshmallows!

 Good thing it was a pretty cute little mouse!

She still didn't get a marshmallow though!