Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween 2016

Star Wars Sweethearts

None to pleased to have to sit with Celie for this photo shoot...

The best smile I was going to get that night & Celie take her chance at grabbing the light sabre!

Just kidding ; )

Best part of the night was meeting up with cousins Silas 'Luke Skywalker' and Piper 'Cat Woman'!

They did an awesome job of knocking on doors and remembering their manners.

Gabe had to test out the REAL light sabre!

Piper always watching out for Henry ; ) 

The battle we knew would take place at one point or another!

Surprisingly, Henry's mini light sabre held up pretty well against the real deal!

Alas, Cat Woman to the rescue and Henry is saved!

Thanks Aunt Amber for letting us tag along!

One last stop at Grandma and Grandpa Stauffer's for popcorn balls and a fun little kid's only overnight!

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Celie 8 months!

Yay - 8 months old and loving it! 
She is still slow to gain weight (13.8) but her tooth count is up to 6!!

Her arms are always flailing about, especially when she is excited.

She likes getting some time in the jumpe-roo but only if big brother is close by to entertain and distract.

Our little sweetie giving us a rare snuggle. She is getting us trained little by little when it comes to feeding her. If she is done, she is done and don't try giving her a drop more. 

Still not a huge fan of eating food but she doesn't mind being in the high chair to be apart of the action.  

  A little photo-op while brother is sleeping. She has a dozen funny faces that we are always trying to capture!

Strips on strips... at least it is all the same color?

One of our favorite Celie faces! 

Getting after crawling. 

Ahhh! It is so much work trying to stay on her knees!

Our little army crawler. She just kind of rolls and drags herself wherever she needs to go. 

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Pinter's Pumpkin Patch

Can you guess where we are? 

A. Rubber Ducky World Championship Race
B. Pinter's Pumpkin Patch

Well, it felt like the World Championship of rubber ducky races...

But actually it was our first trip to a pumpkin patch and boy was it fun!


The best part about it? Having Jeff and Rachel there to enjoy it with!

Just trying to decide which one they were going to bring home : ) 

You could say we really got in to the games that were there...

We even tried out the 7 ACRES corn maze!

Jeffy led the whole way. We weren't the least worried... ; ) 

SUCCESS!! We completed the entire maze! 

Time for a little tractor wagon ride.

Checking out the gourd selection and remembering why we think they are creepy.

Cousin Jeff treated his birthday buddy to a special cupcake.

Then we went for lunch downtown Decorah and over to The Falls.

Yep, it was pretty awesome and we can't wait to do it all again!