Monday, May 30, 2016

More Memorial fun in Sumner!

Nothing like having a Grandpa with a pony!

First pony ride!

He was a natural.

This cowgirl needs a cowgirl hat!

She just couldn't get enough pony rides : ) 

Aunt Amber helping out with a little bubble action!

Have to fit in a little time for some baseball.

Hugs for Grandma Laurie!

Thanks for all the fun Silas and Piper!!

Even had Uncle Adam on the phone to share in the special day!

Where was Celie girl? Sleeping or nursing for the most part but still always smiling!

Sunday, May 29, 2016

A Great Gerhke Start to Memorial Weekend!

It has been a long time since we have been able to make a get together work with the Gerhkes!

Noah is getting so big and was super sweet to Henry.

Noah is by far one of the most athlete Kindergartners!

And he was super kind with helping Henry and his batting skills.

I'm pretty sure that was Noah who hit one over the fence!

And we can't play in the backyard without getting our squirt guns out!

Or getting out the quadcopter!

Brownies are the best : ) 

Thanks for the visit Gehrke's. Wish I had taken more pictures!!

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Celie 3 Months

Weighing in at 11lbs these days and 23 inches.

What has she been doing well these days?
Wrestling moves.  
Here she is pinning me down and making it impossible for me to get up and do anything. 

Again, there is truly nothing I can do about the cleaning and cooking with this one when she decided to pull out all her cutest moves.

Always smiling and always with crazy hair!

Her neck is as strong as ever and she is great about keeping tabs on her big brother. 

Rolling Over!  Okay, more like tipping over.

She has started to grab at toys!
It doesn't entertain her for too long these days but she has started to try and grab for it.

What she needs to improve upon?

Keeping that thumb out of her mouth!

Good thing we found a pacifier that works! *Sidenote - not the one pictured : ) 

This month really flew by! (I feel like every May does) She has continued her amazing sleep schedule and has just started to show signs of a napping schedule. If she isn't sleeping or eating she is smiling and following your every move with her big blue eyes!

Seriously, has a double chin ever looked so cute?

Henry has been requesting to hold her and snuggle every other day lately. It usually lasts 2 minutes and that only if I drag it out by taking pictures.

 Happy as can be,
How lucky are we,
Can't wait to see how this next month will be!

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Weekend in DBQ

Gabe and I feel so lucky to have so many wonderful friends from different phases of our life. These three boys spent many hours together in the Science Hall at Loras working on their engineer degree. 

Three years ago we were able to go out for breakfast and catch up. 

This year after having to reschedule twice we were finally able to get our families together for a wonderful weekend in Dubuque! No attempt was made to go to a restaurant now that there are 6 under the age of 4 : )

We started out at Doug and Nicole's house. Celie thought it was pretty funny they had a little Henry too!

Henry(3), Aiden(4) and Henry(2)

Lunch time! Who wants pb sandwiches?!

Corbett's not only have an incredible view but they have a back yard dreams are made of! 

These toys aren't just made for kids!

Time for the real fun!

Henry was in heaven! He couldn't stop smiling the entire time he was in the trailer. 

What's next Dads?

Time for some water and shade.

Not sure who's idea it was but they decided they needed ALL their toys in the tent with them. 

2 seconds later they thought it was hilarious to take all their toys back out.

Boy is it fun watching your kid play with your friends' kids.

A huge highlight of the weekend - Our Henry's first time on a kid sized gator!

And off they go! 

They could spend hours on this!

Meanwhile, little brother Theo(6m) was getting a little flirty with our little Miss Celie!

For supper we headed over to Bradford's for more fun outside - including LOTS of bubble action. Jayda(1yr)

Aiden digging away!

It was a beautiful evening outside and the boys all had bubble makers. I love this picture because it seriously shows what the last few hours were like. These boys were complete blurs running around chasing each other and then 'shooting' the moon!

So adorable!

The next morning before we had to leave Art took the boys for a little spin.

They could have ridden in that for hours too : ) 

Just an adorable pic of Aiden and his sister Jayda! 

The rest of the morning we drove around our old stompin' grounds reminiscing our dating days : ) We drove around campus quite a bit but of course I didn't get a picture of that! 

Henry and Gabe went for a little walk along the Mississippi while Celie dozed off in the car. 

Stopping at one of my favorite ice cream places!

Can't wait to see how happy she gets once she finally gets to actually have some ice cream herself!

Now for the drive home! 
(Where has our little boy gone?!?!)