Saturday, November 21, 2015

First Snowfall of the Season

We had the most beautiful first snowfall of the season Friday night and woke up to the most perfect winter wonderland to play in on Saturday morning. 

He may have changed quite a bit in the last year but trying to get him dressed for snow was just as challenging!

Loving every minute!!

Falling in the snow face first didn't even phase him!

Getting his first lick of snow in!

Time to get to work!

Not happy that Dad is making him wear gloves!!

Mommy letting him shovel without his gloves on.

Easily distracted...

And two seconds later he wants to go inside because his hands are cold - my plan worked ; )  He did last about a solid hour before the mittens incident. Until the next snowfall! 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

A weekend with Mack!

There is nothing quite as cool as getting to watch your little boy play with your best friend's little boy. This weekend we spent a wonderful weekend in Milwaukee with the Beguhns. It was the first time we spent time together with our kids - makes for some interesting pictures!

How many attempts... 

Finally.. somewhat nailed it : ) 

Dads giving the Moms a little break.

Adventures of taking 2-year-olds out to eat!

Back home for a little dessert and entertainment via Henry. 

Still working on his smile!

Hoping for many more play dates between these two!

And of course can't wait to meet our newest additions : ) 

Life might be a little different than it was during our first round but still lucky as ever to have each other through it all.